Welcome to the 2015-16 Royal Blues! Here is the roster for the new members:
River Anderson
Sarah Barr
Henry Belliveau
Sunshine Bender
Emilee Brnusak
Sprout Chinn
Libby Clark
Christina DePinto
Hazel Frew
Adrian Galash
Avery Haines
Joshua Hicks
Olivia Hill
Rennie Kendrick
Emmet Lane-Ruckman
Brady McCollom
Dylan Palmer
Kelly Powers
Sam Schrader
Harrison Schrage
Ellory Schrepel
Noah Shapiro
Zoe Stadler
Max Tapogna
Finn Topelmann
Abby Torgeson
Isabel Valle
Claire Wheeler
Willem Winter
Olivia Wolfe
Moya Woods
Tristan Zeryck
Isaiah Zimmerman
Congratulations to all 33 of you! I'm excited to start making music with you in August. Have a wonderful and well deserved spring break! - Mr. E